Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Last Thursday in the United States

Lordy, lordy. One week left. In 7 days I will be on my way to JFK International Airport, and off to Paris! I finally got a 2GB memory card for my camera (I decided against dropping $150-200 on a new camera... my little Pentax has served me just fine up 'till now) so I can take plenty of full-sized pictures to post here, and now I just have to buy an international electricity adapter (I say as if I fully understand what kind I need... in fact I really just hope the people at Home Depot know what to get) and PACK. 

But now, of course, I'm getting all nostalgic, and making special breakfasts for my parents on an even more regular basis. On Tuesday it was strawberry-blueberry-banana-oatmeal pancakes, last week it was currant scones and blueberry-oatmeal pancakes, and this morning I went to buy eggs to make my Mom's favorite breakfast; eggs-in-a-basket. Simple, but lovely. Here's a picture of a recent breakfast, with the addition of kiwis. Fruit always makes a plate look better:

Oh man, I'm going to miss making breakfast for my parents. My French family will just have to get used to being fed in the morning. Even though they're not big on breakfast in France. I hope they don't mind. Also, I hope they have a dog. 

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